Category: Announcements

  • The Book

    The text accompanying this exhibition is mainly drawn from the book “Sant’Agata…in remoto” by Sonia Distefano e Carmelo Aurite. I testi che accompagnano la mostra sono stati estratti dal libro “Sant’Agata…in remoto” di Sono Distefano e Carmelo Aurite. Go to the book page to order online

  • Opening ticket

    Please book here your (free) ticket for the opening of the exhibition “Sant’Agata, la Festa!”.London, Italian Cultural Institute, Tuesday 21st January 18:30 (Local time)

  • Siamo lieti di annunciare la presenza della mostra nel calendario ufficiale degli eventi dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Londra.

  • Events calendar

    We are proud to be in the official events calendar of the Italian Cultural Institute.

  • Welcome

    Welcome to our web